Thursday, February 1, 2024

SDK migration to fix failed builds for all Solodroid Projects

The problem with the Android Studio project failing to build is because currently our library cannot be accessed after an incident involving an attack on our GitHub account, which caused our account to be flagged and inaccessible to the public.

We apologize in advance because it is out of our control, to resolve this issue, we have created an alternative SDK migration so that the project can be rebuilt.

Do the steps below:
  • Open the build.gradle (Module: app) file
  • Change the dependencies name for Ad Network and Push Notification
  • Click Sync now to re-sync the project using the new library

Old library dependencies:
  • com.github.solodroidx:simple-ads-sdk:1.+
  • com.github.solodroidx:solodroidx-push-sdk:1.+

Change library dependencies to:
  • com.github.solodroid-dev:simple-ads-sdk:1.+
  • com.github.solodroid-dev:push-notification-sdk:1.+

Screenshot implementation:

That's all you have to do and the Android Studio project will be able to be built again.

Video tutorial:

  • simple-ads-sdk is used by default, you also can change it to other sdk options like: admob-ads-sdk, triple-ads-sdk or multi-ads-sdk
  • If the old SDK is defined with a certain version, for example 1.1.1, you need to change it to 1.+
  • This issue will not impact apps that have previously been built or published to Google Play, it only applies to new builds.