Saturday, May 6, 2023

Splash screen duration is getting longer, what is the solution?

Regarding the addition of the lauch duration of the app in the splash screen, the application has 2 methods:

  1. Force display App Open Ads
  2. Skip App Open Ads on Start App

If option number 1 is used, then the application works as follows:

  • Splash Screen > Load config.json > Load App Open Ads and Show > Start the Main Menu

In the load open ads process, this makes the duration of the splash screen longer because there is a process of loading ads from ad networks and waiting for a response from the ad to be displayed first before the user enters the application.

If option number 2 is used, the application works as follows:

  • Splash Screen > Load config.json > Start the Main Menu

In this option, the process of opening the application after splash is faster than number 1, because no open ads are displayed when the user starts the application, but open ads will still appear when the user opens the application from the background to the foreground or when user resume the app.

App Open Ads can be disabled from json remote config.
